AUDIOGRAFT Sonic Art Research Unit & Oxford Contemporary Music

Above Image: Audiograft Festival 2023, at Ovada Gallery. Still from footage by Tom Thistlethwaite. Audiograft 2023, curated by Patrick Farmer and Paul Whitty, the Sonic Art Research Unit, Oxford Brookes University, with the help of Oxford Contemporary Music. For this audiograft residency and performance at OVADA, Rita will bring her unique body of sculptural objects […]

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TOWNER EASTBOURNE Commission: Tuning in a Vacuum – Foundation Foundation Emerging Artist Award

16th & 17th July 2022 at Towner Eastbourne. Above video clip: Tuning in a Vacuum, Performance Documentation (Tom Thistlethwaite) of Organ of Organs, 2021. Link here for more video excerpts from the performance. ‘Tuning in a Vacuum’ is a 40 minute live performance of seven sonic objects, where materials, space and sound were played out […]

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BAUHAUS FOUNDATION Artist-in-Residence & Exhibition at Gropius Haus

Instrument was developed on residency at Bauhaus Foundation in 2021 and exhibited in Gropius Haus, Nov 2021 – Jun 2022, with works by Charlotte Posenenske / Curated by Alexis Lowry (Dia Art Foundation). “Instrument is a tool for navigating in fictional, collective spaces. The sensitive sound sculpture is a means to explore a complex infrastructure […]

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Drawings 2020 – 2021

(Above) Basement Available Now, Fully Furnished (2020). Colour Pencil, spray paint and graphite on handmade paper. 29 x 42cm Reality is having a laugh at our expense. A deep, elongated belly laugh that creates ripples in the heavy, velvet fabric of our world. You go to move but have learned (the hard way) that what was once […]

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